Thursday, July 30, 2009
Surgery is Scheduled!
Getting something accomplished with the Dr.'s at the ENT's office. Ty's appointment on Friday is now a pre-op appointment! I think his surgery will be scheduled for August 11th, not as soon as I had hoped...but still pretty good! Again, I hate to jump for surgery but he's been feeling SO bad and NOTHING is working... I just can't put him through pain any longer.
The Cloth Diaper Blog is having "FEED YOUR STASH" Friday!

The question is:
If you could build the ideal cloth diaper package, what would be in it and what would you expect to pay for it?
So my ideal “Dream” package would be:
12 Organinc OS AIO Snap Closure bumGenius
12 hemp flats
12 Thirsties Duo covers (6 in sz1, 6 in sz2)
3 packages of bumGenius Bamboo Wipes
1 pack of Imse Vimse Liners
Pail freshener
PlanetWise Hanging Wet/Dry bag
PlanetWise Pail Liner
PlanetWise Wet/Dry bag
Diaper Sprayer
This would cost me about $600 (that would be with a great discount!) that we would do a layaway type thing so it would be done over a few months. I wouldn’t have to buy anything else except for the liners, pail freshener and detergent when I ran out! This is what I would have LOVED to start out with! :)
Monday, July 27, 2009
My Wish List!
There are SO many things that I want to get for Ty's little cloth diapered bum!! So I thought I would make me a handy little list!
bumGenius Organic One-Size AIO in SNAPS!!
How can you get any better than this?? Price is the only thing holding me back!
G Diapers Everyday G's Sixpack
Plan to use prefolds or microfiber inserts instead of the disposable liners, but would be nice to have while out and about!
Planet Wise Hanging Wet/Dry Bag in Taxi or RiverRock
I <3 PlanetWise! I have the reg. Wet/Dry bag in OuterSpace and I love it!
BabyKicks Hemparoo Duz-it-all
I've heard they are super absorbent! I'd like a few to use when Ty's going to be in a diaper for an extended period.
SmartiPants 3-pack
I have one Smartipants that I won during a cloth diaper chat and I love it! Snaps are so much better than velcro!
A Clothesline - They have this Minky 49' Retractable clothesline at Lowe's and I'm thinking this is my cheapest and best bet. We don't have alot of trees, just on our property line and the "T" poles are expensive...And we're broke! LOL
bumGenius Organic One-Size AIO in SNAPS!!
How can you get any better than this?? Price is the only thing holding me back!
G Diapers Everyday G's Sixpack
Plan to use prefolds or microfiber inserts instead of the disposable liners, but would be nice to have while out and about!
Planet Wise Hanging Wet/Dry Bag in Taxi or RiverRock
I <3 PlanetWise! I have the reg. Wet/Dry bag in OuterSpace and I love it!
BabyKicks Hemparoo Duz-it-all
I've heard they are super absorbent! I'd like a few to use when Ty's going to be in a diaper for an extended period.
SmartiPants 3-pack
I have one Smartipants that I won during a cloth diaper chat and I love it! Snaps are so much better than velcro!
A Clothesline - They have this Minky 49' Retractable clothesline at Lowe's and I'm thinking this is my cheapest and best bet. We don't have alot of trees, just on our property line and the "T" poles are expensive...And we're broke! LOL
Wish List
Update on my sick Little Man!
I called to check on the referral to the ENT and he now has an appoitment on Friday. Thank goodness! Now, this weekend was pretty rough so I decided to call and see if he couldn't get in any sooner, not happening. He could get in to see the PA but if he does need tubes then he'll have to come back to see the Dr. too. I saw no point in wasting the time seeing the PA. I tried calling my Ped. to see what he thought could be done between now and Friday (and hoping that he could call in a favor and get us a sooner appointment) since Ty's still running a fever and definately not a happy boy. He said that we could give him a antibiotic shot every 48 hours or try some pain drops. I'm going for the pain drops first, and if they don't work tonight then maybe a shot tomorrow. I hate to keep putting all of this medicine in him but I can't stand seeing him in pain and doing nothing about it! He has to take all of this nasty medicine that gives him terrible rashes and none of it is working!! I am doing all I know how to do and he's still hurting and it sucks! So in just a little bit I'll be heading to yet another pharmacy... my poor baby...
Friday, July 24, 2009
Dr.'s Visit
Okay, so Ty and I went to the ped office yesterday and the Dr. said that his chest sounded fine. Yay! Must just be an allergy cough! He then checked his ears and no such luck, they are worse! He's now on another antibiotic because 48 hours with the last one should have at least stopped the infection if not made it better. So after a few HOURS at Wal*Mart yesterday afternoon we finally have his new medicine and hopefully it will help. Although considering his record, it probably won't. I hate to sound all glass-half-empty but it's true. The Dr. also said that he was going to try and hurry up this referral to the ENT's office! Thank goodness! I'm so ready for my boy to feel better and I think that's the only thing that's going to do it. Ugh...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Sadness :-(
I realize that lately all I've talked about is my sick baby. But...he has a bad cough now. It's a croupy (not sure if that's a word) and he sounds kind of wheezy and hoarse. I'm so tired of my baby being sick... :( I want him better! He's so pitiful! Even when he's sleeping he's coughing. I'm not sure what to do anymore, he's on an antibiotic. What more can they do?? I've been to the Dr. probably 6 times this month...I'm tired, grumpy, and probably not a pleasant person to be around...not to mention how my Little Man feels. On the upside though, I have managed to lose a few pounds in the process. No time to eat I guess. Anyways, on to check on my baby!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Family Vacation
My Hubby, Ty and I are planning to take a vacation in August. The plans are to head to Gatlinburg, TN and stay 2 nights with some of his family in a rented cabin. Then, once our 2 nights are up, head to Memphis to stay with his Great Aunt. This would end up being like a week long vacation that is SO NEEDED for Hubby, Ty and I. BUT...Ty has been having such drama with his ears we're kind of afraid to book the cabin. I'm waiting on a referral from the Ped's office to know when my appointment is at the ENT's office. We're just afraid that they will schedule surgery for tubes when we're supposed to be in the mountains. AND we're having Ty's 1st birthday party with my Niece and Nephew the last Saturday in August. We've begun to think the vacation timing is bad... We hate to wait another couple of months but I just don't see what other options we have... :( Sadness...
New Giveaways that I'm participating in!! Click on the blog name and it will take you right to the giveaway!
The Miracle Blanket with Chatty Wife
Organic Teether Sampler from The Soft Landing with Moma to the littlest lovebug...
Funky Diaper with Newly Wed, Newly Bred!
Planet Wise Wet Bag with Blessed with Full Hands
Bummas Cloth Wipes with Better Days Ahead
Sweet Pea Diaper with Moma to the littlest lovebug...
Eco Baby's Hut BumGenius 3.0 with Dirty Diaper Laundry
Swami Baby with One Bored Mommy
Teething Bling with Dirty Diaper Laundry
Build-A-Bear with Born2Impress
EarthLust Stainless Steel Water Bottles with Newly Wed, Newly Bred!
Hazelwood Necklace from HazelAid with Dirty Diaper Laundry
Green Acre Diaper (GAD) Rockin' Green Detergent with Dirty Diaper Laundry
Bummas Cloth Wipes with Better Days Ahead
Sit n Stand Stroller from One Step Ahead with the Mom Buzz
Diaper Daisy $25 gift certificate from For the Love of Baby!
Zutano $100 Shopping Spree from Born 2 Impress
Urban Fluff Deluxe Fluff AIO from the Mom Buzz
Buddha Bunz Dryer Balls from Dirty Diaper Laundry
The Miracle Blanket with Chatty Wife
Organic Teether Sampler from The Soft Landing with Moma to the littlest lovebug...
Funky Diaper with Newly Wed, Newly Bred!
Planet Wise Wet Bag with Blessed with Full Hands
Bummas Cloth Wipes with Better Days Ahead
Sweet Pea Diaper with Moma to the littlest lovebug...
Eco Baby's Hut BumGenius 3.0 with Dirty Diaper Laundry
Swami Baby with One Bored Mommy
Teething Bling with Dirty Diaper Laundry
Build-A-Bear with Born2Impress
EarthLust Stainless Steel Water Bottles with Newly Wed, Newly Bred!
Hazelwood Necklace from HazelAid with Dirty Diaper Laundry
Green Acre Diaper (GAD) Rockin' Green Detergent with Dirty Diaper Laundry
Bummas Cloth Wipes with Better Days Ahead
Sit n Stand Stroller from One Step Ahead with the Mom Buzz
Diaper Daisy $25 gift certificate from For the Love of Baby!
Zutano $100 Shopping Spree from Born 2 Impress
Urban Fluff Deluxe Fluff AIO from the Mom Buzz
Buddha Bunz Dryer Balls from Dirty Diaper Laundry
My last post was titled "Long 2 Weeks". Well, it has been a long month. Ty still has an ear infection that will NOT go away! We are on our 3rd oral medication and he's also had 2 shots. They just will not get better! We are waiting on the referral to the ENT's office. Hopefully that will happen pretty soon and they can help him. I understand that that may mean tubes for his ears and I'm okay with that. He has been feeling SO bad lately that at this point whatever will fix it is okay by me. He has been super clingy, he won't sleep well and he's crying all the time (which is something he just doesn't do). I feel so bad for him because he is always such a happy baby! Ugh! I can't wait til he's over the ear stuff! It's all seriously stressing me out!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Long 2 weeks!
I have had a really busy past 2 weeks! My mom, sister and I took all of the kids to the beach last week and we had a BLAST! We stayed at my Aunt's house and it ended up being 7 kids and 6 adults in a 2 bedroom home!! Wow! It was a lot of fun but really loud and now I know that I do not want a house full of kids! LOL Love 'em but don't think I could do it!
I've also been dealing with my Little Man and his ears. It started out about 3 or 4 weeks ago with fluid in his right ear, which they gave him a decongestant for to help get rid of it. Then about a week after that he had an infection in the same ear and they gave him an antibiotic. He seemed to be doing a little better so we left for the beach a few days after that Dr. visit. Once we woke up the 1st day at my Aunt's he was acting like he felt much worse. I took him to the urgent care there and both of his ears were pink so they put on another antibiotic. So... you would think that the two antibiotics that he was on, at the same time, would have, they didn't. When we got home he was still not acting right so I took him to the Dr., again, the next morning and BOTH of his ears were infected.... He ended up with 2 shots of antibiotic in 3 days. Now he's acting alittle better, thank goodness! I hated to do the shots but we had no other choice, he just wasn't getting better.
In other news...
I've been entering lots of giveaways and have actually won some! It's exciting! Here are some I'm currently participating in:
Z. Daisy Binkie Bungee >>
Booroi Cloth Diaper >>
FuzziBunz Cloth Diaper >>
Lady Cup >>
My Baby Can Read >>
Alfonzo De Nicola Bag >>
I've also been dealing with my Little Man and his ears. It started out about 3 or 4 weeks ago with fluid in his right ear, which they gave him a decongestant for to help get rid of it. Then about a week after that he had an infection in the same ear and they gave him an antibiotic. He seemed to be doing a little better so we left for the beach a few days after that Dr. visit. Once we woke up the 1st day at my Aunt's he was acting like he felt much worse. I took him to the urgent care there and both of his ears were pink so they put on another antibiotic. So... you would think that the two antibiotics that he was on, at the same time, would have, they didn't. When we got home he was still not acting right so I took him to the Dr., again, the next morning and BOTH of his ears were infected.... He ended up with 2 shots of antibiotic in 3 days. Now he's acting alittle better, thank goodness! I hated to do the shots but we had no other choice, he just wasn't getting better.
In other news...
I've been entering lots of giveaways and have actually won some! It's exciting! Here are some I'm currently participating in:
Z. Daisy Binkie Bungee >>
Booroi Cloth Diaper >>
FuzziBunz Cloth Diaper >>
Lady Cup >>
My Baby Can Read >>
Alfonzo De Nicola Bag >>
Friday, July 3, 2009
My Sick Little Man!
I've been a little busy lately. My little man has an ear infection and he is super upset when he gets sick. He spent the majority of yesterday afternoon yelling at his firetruck. Not so sure what for but apparently it did something that he didn't like and he was making sure it knew it! Today he's spent most of the day harassing the dog. He just chases him around the living room laughing and hitting at him, and Bandit just keeps running from one side of the room to the other.
I feel so bad that he is sick and it doesn't help that his poor little cloth diapered bum has a terrible rash. The medicine that he takes gave him some explosive poo so his bottom looks like it's no fire! He's pitiful, all snotty and whiny... I feel so bad. One time I don't like being a mom, I just feel helpless b/c I can't make him better.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
So...I'm not so great at blogging. Lots going on, so I have tons to write about...just not sure where to start. Maybe on how me and the hubby have been arguing since last Thursday, how I have a tiny house and too much crap, on how my yard looks like a jungle b/c my lawnmower tire is flat and DH won't fix it, or on my Little Man and how he's currently not feeling oh-so-great... I think I'm going to go a happier route.
I'm LOVING using cloth diapers on Little Man! Yeah the poop issue is pretty gross sometimes but I'm okay with that. I see the big picture, which is that I haven't bought a pack of sposies in about 2 months!!! AWESOME, I know! Last pack I bought was a big one so they've lasted me a while, I actually still have like a 1/4 of the box. I just can't stand using them so they're for Mawmaw's or Aunt C's. I've been mainly using bumGenius 3.0 One-size pocket diapers and I have one SmartiPants One-size pocket also. I love them all!! I can't use the SmartiPants at nighttime since Little Man is a heavy wetter but it works great for daytime use! The BG's are great and using the one-size insert and doubling with the newborn size works great for nighttime use! I am so glad that I converted to CD's and I SO wish that I would have done it sooner!!
I'm in love...
I'm LOVING using cloth diapers on Little Man! Yeah the poop issue is pretty gross sometimes but I'm okay with that. I see the big picture, which is that I haven't bought a pack of sposies in about 2 months!!! AWESOME, I know! Last pack I bought was a big one so they've lasted me a while, I actually still have like a 1/4 of the box. I just can't stand using them so they're for Mawmaw's or Aunt C's. I've been mainly using bumGenius 3.0 One-size pocket diapers and I have one SmartiPants One-size pocket also. I love them all!! I can't use the SmartiPants at nighttime since Little Man is a heavy wetter but it works great for daytime use! The BG's are great and using the one-size insert and doubling with the newborn size works great for nighttime use! I am so glad that I converted to CD's and I SO wish that I would have done it sooner!!
I'm in love...
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